As a multi-service organization, we are committed to ensuring our programs operate as safely and effectively as possible. We will provide updates to our clients and the community as soon as in-person services and programs resume. In the meantime, please call us at (416) 252-7949.
- Women’s Trauma Counsellor (English): ext. 224
- Women’s Trauma Counsellor (Spanish and English): ext. 226
- Child and Family Trauma Counsellor: ext. 227
- Young Women’s Trauma Counsellor: ext. 229
- Housing Worker: ext. 222
- Transitional Worker: ext. 228
Service Hours for Counselling and Administration:- Mondays to Fridays 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
If you are experiencing any of the symptoms (fever, cough, and shortness of breath) please call Telehealth Ontario at 1(866) 797-0000. If you are in crisis please call the Assaulted Women’s Helpline at 1 (866) 863-0511. If you are in immediate danger please call 911.