I would like to share some very exciting news with you. It is a sincere pleasure for me to announce that Women’s Habitat has reached the campaign goal for the Kitchen Renovation Project. Your contribution to the campaign has made this project a success. Through these last five months when everyone involved was working so hard, gifts like yours have given us the financial as well as moral support to continue the work that we do.
As you know, during this period of transition we continued to offer our programs and services in the community. Your commitment reminded us why we embarked on this campaign and your donation is proof of how deeply you care for our clients and our cause.
This renovation project gave us the opportunity to establish new relationships and to strengthen our bond with the community. Friends, donors, long-time supporters and community members have contributed to this campaign and that is why today we can announce this great achievement.
Every gift we received has special significance. Some donations were received at the beginning of the project, boosting our confidence to continue to reach out to others; some helped us during the process, proving that our campaign was worthwhile; some of them came almost at the end, delighting us that our efforts were working; and some of them were the result of a direct call and thrillingly took us over the finish line.
With your help we are able to offer our clients the support they need every time they come through our doors. Our new kitchen is not only in compliance with the requirements of Toronto Public Health, it’s a space for life skills learning and growing initiatives like our women in micro enterprise program. Women’s Habitat has always been committed to providing our clients high quality food that is nutritious and safely prepared. With your donation we can fulfill that promise.
It has been a privilege to lead this campaign and please be sure to know that your contribution is making a huge impact in the lives of the clients we proudly serve. Thank you very much for all your support during this renovation project. Your commitment to Women’s Habitat is more than the value of your donation – it is also what inspires us and motivates our clients.
With sincere thanks,
Gia DeJulio
Chair, Fundraising Committee
Vice-President, Women’s Habitat Board of Directors
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